Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Artificial Intelligence
Constraint satisfaction problems are problems in Artificial Intelligence which concern themselves with strictly the goal state. They take advantage of general state representation.
States — represent them as a vector of feature values (a set of k variables), each variable has a domain of unique values. The state is specified by assigning values to all the variables, and a partial state is the assignment of a value to some of the variables
Goal — conditions on the vector of feature values
To solve a CSP we find a set of values for the features to satisfy the conditions.
A formal definition:
A CSP consists of
- A set of variables V1, …Vn;
- A(finite)domain of values Domain[Vi] ;
- A set of constraints C1, …, Cm
Each constraint has a scope or a set of variables that can be operated on.
The goal is to satisfy the constraint by assigning the right values. A CSP is cannot be satisfied if no solution exists.
A CSP problem can be defined as a search problem where the initial state is an empty assignment to a variable, the function is assigning values to variables and the goal test is to see if the assignments are correct(no constraint violations) and complete.
Backtracking Search
Since CSPs do not require finding a path to a goal, they just require the correct configurations to the goal. We can solve these best by backtracking from the goal or reverse engineering the problem.
- Find partial assignments
- Decide on a value for one variable at a time (order agnostic)
- If a constraint fails just reject it
You can complete backtracking recursively.
If the variables are set, then terminate the recursion
- Pick an unassigned variable V and assign it a value
2. Test the constraints of V and all other variables that were assigned
2. If a constraint fails than return, else keep recursing.
Constraint Propagation
There might be variables that have no possible values, but backtracking does not detect this until it tries to assign them a value.
We can look ahead at the unassigned variables trying to detect the failures.
Propagation has to be applied to the search and almost if not all every nodes in the tree. Since propagation is an inference, it takes a lot long to calculate the next step.
We can propagate using two ways:
Forward Checking and Generalized Arc Consistency.
Forward Checking:
When instantiating a variable V, do the following for all constraints C that have only one not instantiated variable X remaining:
- Check all the values of X;
- Prune those values that violate C.
Then backtrack again.
As we backtrack, we have to restore the values that were pruned.
CSP problems are NP-complete (nondeterministic polynomial time) in that they find a solution in polynomial time and that can be tested.
The worst case run time is exponential. Forward checking is often 100 times faster since it solves for sub problems but it can do much worse.
Decrease time complexity:
You can also decrease the time by dynamically choosing the ordering of a variables using a heuristic.
Select the variable that is involved in the largest number of constraints on other unassigned variables.
If a variable has only one value left, we propagate its consequences immediately.
Generalized Arc Consistency
The goal is to remove a value d on a variable V that is not consistent with assignments to other variables. d is said to be Arc Inconsistent. We can remove d from the domain of the variable as the value does not produce a solution.
For example.
Given C(X,Y) where we want X > Y
Dom[X] = (2, 7, 13) Dom[Y] =(4, 11, 19)
We remove 2 from domain of X and 19 from domain of Y
So that X > Y.
All constraints must be GAC at every node of the search space. We do this by removing these inconsistent variables. Every time we assign a value to a variable, we check all the constraints and remove the inconsistent variables. We have to do this until everything is consistent.
When all constraints are consistent:
Each domain has a single value, at least a domain is empty, some may have more than one value that needs to be solved that have to be reduced.
The complexity is O(cd³)
With higher order constraints:
The complexity is O(d^k * T(c)) where T is the number of forbidden values.
Plain backtracking offers the advantage of checking a constraint when it has zero unassigned variables
Forward Checking checks a constraint only when it has one unassigned variables
GAC checks all constraints, leading to removing more incorrect values. (During the initial state, the preprocessing, directly, and during search)
GAC does not find a solution unless we do search while we enforce GAC.
Thus constraint satisfaction problems can be improved using GAC, checking and backtracking.